متا آنالیز، فرا تحلیل، فراتحلیل، فرا تحلیل، متا آنالیز، متاآنالیز، متاانالیز، فراتحلیل، فرا تحلیل، فراتحلیل
In 2008, Natanson et al. published a meta-analysis [17] counting 16 randomized controlled trials (3,711 patients) focusing on the safety evaluation of 5 OCs (HemAssist(r), Hemopure(r), PolyHeme(r), Hemospan(r), Hemolink(r)) in surgical, stroke, and trauma patients.
Although some limitations can be acknowledged (some details on study protocols were unavailable, and con- trol groups received different treatments), this meta-analysis addressed important safety concerns as far as all five different types of OCs are concerned.
Several reviews and meta-analysis have been published on this topic, but probably due to previous limited evidence, the role of HFOV in improving outcome of patients with ARDS remained unclear for a long time [12].
, in a meta-analysis pooling only randomized controlled trials.
On the contrary, previous meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials suggested that glutamine and antioxidant supplementation could be associated with improved survival in this population [8, 9].،Similarly, a recent meta-analysis showed that the relationship between positive emotion and creativity was also nonmonotonic, instead taking the shape of an inverted U (Davis, 2008).
Davis, M A (2009) Understanding the relationship between mood and creativity: a meta-analysis, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 108 (1), pp 25-38
Judge, T A and Bono, J E (2001) Relationship of core self-evaluations traits - self-esteem, generalized self-efficacy, locus of control, and emotional stability - with job satisfaction and job performance: a meta-analysis, Journal of Applied Psychology, 86 (1), pp 80-92
Avey, J B et al (2011) Meta-analysis of the impact of positive psychological capital on employee attitudes, behaviors, and performance, Human Resource Development Quarterly, 22 (2), pp 127-52
1 A meta-analysis.،We provide a systematic review on leader humor, in which we address the issues of constructs-trait humor versus (behavioral) humor expression-and associated measures, discuss the main and emerging theoretical frame- works, assess the empirical literature via a meta-analysis and path analyses, and offer directions for future research.
Third, we assess the empirical literature via a meta-analysis coupled with path analyses.
Our meta-analysis and path analyses based on the extant literature on leader humor, specifically, bring more clarity and focused guidance for further development in this research area.
Accordingly, leader humor in our meta-analysis refers to leader trait positive humor or leader positive humor expression.
, 2011; Kim, Lee, & Wong, 2016) in our meta-analysis because the number of meta-analytic samples for the fol- lower outcomes examined in these studies was too small (k 1/4 1).،Similarly, a recent meta-analysis showed that the relationship between positive emotion and creativity was also nonmonotonic, instead taking the shape of an inverted U (Davis, 2008).
Davis, M A (2009) Understanding the relationship between mood and creativity: a meta-analysis, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 108 (1), pp 25-38
Judge, T A and Bono, J E (2001) Relationship of core self-evaluations traits - self-esteem, generalized self-efficacy, locus of control, and emotional stability - with job satisfaction and job performance: a meta-analysis, Journal of Applied Psychology, 86 (1), pp 80-92
Avey, J B et al (2011) Meta-analysis of the impact of positive psychological capital on employee attitudes, behaviors, and performance, Human Resource Development Quarterly, 22 (2), pp 127-52
1 A meta-analysis.،[24] did a meta-analysis including 8 double-blind RCTs that included
The aforementioned meta-analysis revealed that vitamin
[26] published results of a meta-analysis of 12 double-blind
meta-analysis indicated that vitamin D supplementation
A meta-analysis of 17 randomized, controlled trials،Pharmacological targeting of second- ary brain damage following ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, trau- matic brain injury, and bacterial meningitis - a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Glycaemic control targets after traumatic brain injury: a system- atic review and meta-analysis.
Predictors of out- come with cerebral autoregulation monitoring: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
A meta-analysis of randomised con- trolled trials of mannitol versus hypertonic sodium solutions to man- age raised intracranial pressure in traumatic brain injury.
Risk factors for rebleeding of aneu- rysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: a meta-analysis.،,,2' 12'' In a very large mixed racial/ethnic (Black and White, Chinese Americans and Japanese Americans) case-control study of prostate cancer, no statistically significant increase in risk could be identified after vasectomy, including no effect of age at vasectomy or years since vasectomy.122 Reviews of six cohort studies and five case-control studies concluded that there is no increased risk of cancer of the testis following vasectomy, and consideration of the studies examining the possible association between prostate cancer and vasectomy (six cohort and seven case-control studies) found the evidence to be equivocal and weak A meta-analysis of the literature concluded that there is no increased risk of prostate cancer in men who have undergone vasectomy."0 A case-control study from New Zealand found no increase in prostate cancer even after more than 25 years since ihc vasectomy.'3' Observational studies cannot totally avoid potential biases, and the disagreement regarding prostate cancer is consistent with either no effect or an effect loo small to escape confounding biases.
,,1U Some studies indicate that prophylactic antibiotics reduce the risk of surgical postabortal infection.22522'1 Most clinicians agree that women at risk of pelvic infection benefit from the use of prophylactic antibiotics prior to induced abortion; others state that women who have not had a previous delivery should receive prophylaxis, and still others believe that all abortion patients would benefit from prophylactic antibiotics.22 221' A meta-analysis of antibiotics at the time of surgically induced abortion unequivocally concluded that prophylactic antibiotics should be routinely used without exceptions, and, as noted previously, prophylactic antibiotics are now advocated for medical abortions.1"*22*' Because both gonorrhea and chlamydia, as well as other organisms, can cause postabortion infections, a tetracycline seems the best drug for prophylaxis.
A meta-analysis including 16 such studies concluded that somatic sensory pain thresholds and tolerance are near their low-est levels just prior to and during menses.319 Interestingly, although perhaps not surprisingly, estradiol itself increases endometriosis- associaled pain, likely through lesion growth.
A 2002 meta-analysis of observational studies concluded that infertile women with endometriosis were less likely to achieve success than women with tubal factor infertility (OR = 0.56, Cl = 0.44-0.70); outcomes were worse in severe than in mild disease.282 The ovarian response to gonadotropin stimulation in women with endometriosis was less robust than in women with tubal disease; both the peak estradiol concentration and number of oocytes retrieved were lower.
In contrast, fertilization rales in women with advanced endometriosis were higher than in those with mild disease.281 In a more recent 2013 meta-analysis of 27 observational studies, it was found that fertilization rates were significantly reduced in stage J/II of endometriosis, as were implantation rates and clinical pregnancy rales in stage III/JV endometriosis.28' However, results of these analyses remain controversial, as subsequent studies have yielded conflicting data, observing outcomes not significantly different from those in women with unexplained infertility.'8'1 a' In a population-based retrospective cohort study of cycles from the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) Clinical Outcome Reporting database from 2008 to 2010, women with isolated endometriosis (11% of study sample) had comparable live birth rate to women with other infertility diagnoses; the majority of women with endometriosis had a concomitant infertility diagnosis, and these women had lower implantation rales,288 Data from 2015 SART indicate that the average live birth rate per retrieval of patients undergoing IVF-embryo transfer was 43.9% in women with endometriosis.،We provide a systematic review on leader humor, in which we address the issues of constructs-trait humor versus (behavioral) humor expression-and associated measures, discuss the main and emerging theoretical frame- works, assess the empirical literature via a meta-analysis and path analyses, and offer directions for future research.
Third, we assess the empirical literature via a meta-analysis coupled with path analyses.
Our meta-analysis and path analyses based on the extant literature on leader humor, specifically, bring more clarity and focused guidance for further development in this research area.
Accordingly, leader humor in our meta-analysis refers to leader trait positive humor or leader positive humor expression.
, 2011; Kim, Lee, & Wong, 2016) in our meta-analysis because the number of meta-analytic samples for the fol- lower outcomes examined in these studies was too small (k 1/4 1).،As such, the JPIM has had a unifying effect by publishing the works of the PDMA task force, individual researcher, and several meta-analysis studies.
Two meta-analysis studies of NPD research examined multiple studies in order to make comparisons and draw conclusions across many different separate research studies.
The two meta-analysis studies were published 16 years apart and together provide a snapshot of NPD research prior to each meta-analysis.
The Weiss and Calantone meta-analysis notes too few factors in most research, unreliable constructs, non-standard measures of success, incomplete reporting of results, and insufficient study
The meta-analysis raised serious questions about internal validity of NPD research because of questions regarding: respondents surveyed, ad-hoc data with memory loss and halo effect, selection of survey respondents, lack of longitudinal studies, and the recommendation that future studies employ multiple respondents within each project.،A meta-analysis by Lewis and Wessely reported that the odds ratios (ORs) for fatigue in chronic diseases (e.g.
In considering the relationship between immunological fac- tors and CrF, a meta-analysis by Saligan and colleagues found that patients with CrF had elevated levels of markers for sys- temic inflammation (e.g.
A meta-analysis of four trials suggested that methylphenidate may be beneficial for patients with cancer and CrF [9].
A meta-analysis by Cooper et al. suggested that modafinil improves CrF in patients who have received cancer treatment, including improvements in cognitive function, general activities (e.g.
A recent meta-analysis of individual patient data from 53 trials revealed an increase in mortality when ESAs were given during chemotherapy (com- bined hazard ratio = 1.17; 95 % CI, 1.06-1.30) [21], and a higher incidence of thrombotic and thromboembolic events as a result of treatment with ESAs.
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